
Jeremy Duffy
MS, CISSP - Tech Safety & Leadership Specialist

Jeremy is a former National Security Agency employee who developed and delivered Operations Security education to the full alphabet of federal agencies in Maryland, DC, and beyond. His drive for helping people learn tech safety principles is second only to his passion for leadership training.

He's a graduate of the Defense Civilian Emerging Leader's program, was recognized as one of five top employee advocate by the NSA Anti-Harassment Campaign, and served as an elected Workforce Matters Advocate helping military officers & senior executives to build trust and battle workplace toxicity through a culture of listening and full-scope collaboration.

After 16 years of experience elevating others with his award-winning speaking and teaching skills, Jeremy left the NSA to offer his expertise to the general public.

See Available Seminars or read more below:

"Excellent presenter and very knowledgable. He presents things to the attendees that is relevant to work and home. Keep him on the agenda"
National OPSEC Conference

Jeremy's Customers

From Alaska to Florida, Hawaii to DC, Here are just some of the organizations who've benefited from Jeremy's experience.

 ● US Air Force
 ● US Army
 ● US Coast Guard
 ● US Navy
 ● US Joint Forces Command
 ● National Security Agency (NSA)
 ● Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
 ● Center of Academic Excellence
 ● Microsoft
 ● Defense Info. Systems Agency
 ● Defense Security Service (DSS)
 ● Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS)
 ● Foreign Service Institute (FSI)
 ● National Defense University
 ● Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
 ● Missile Defense Agency (MDA)
 ● Department of State
"Jeremy was an excellent presenter who knew his topic and kept the audience engaged. I enjoyed this presentation so much, that I rearranged my schedule to take other classes offered by Jeremy."
--Attendee (National OPSEC Conference)
"Jeremy was an excellent presenter who knew his topic and kept the audience engaged. I enjoyed this presentation so much, that I rearranged my schedule to take other classes offered by Jeremy."
--Attendee (National OPSEC Conference)
Jeremy shares tech safety with university students


Whether risk management or building a culture of collaboration, everything starts by empowering people. By sharing awareness, perspective, and the lessons from his unique experience, Jeremy will instill the cultural norms necessary for business security and stability.


Using the principles of “Edu-tainment”, Jeremy uses appropriate humor, examples from real life situations, and an upbeat tempo to keep attendees engaged.

"Excellent presentation! Lively and informative. Would love to have him come to the site to give his presentation."
National OPSEC Conference
Jeremy speaks at the University of Advancing Technology


A passionate believer in the power of education, Jeremy will demonstrate how dangerous lacking awareness can be while arming you with the tools and perspective you need to stay safe and effective in your role (whether that means building defenses against cyber threats or becoming the best leader you can be).

Check out my upcoming book!

What really happens behind the veil of national security? What dark secrets of spying and intrigue are hidden behind those walls? I couldn't say (I would go to jail if I tried), but what I CAN say is that, in the National Security Agency, harassment victims faced disinterest and dismissal. Rampant waste and abuses when unaddressed as the employees who saw the problems were mocked, insulted, and kicked out the door if they tried to raise the alarm. In other words, the NSA treated employees as adversaries instead of allies.

In Are You Listening?, I share the NSA's cautionary tale to warn of the inevitable dysfunction that grows when leaders don't know how to truly, authentically, and effectively listen.

The Showcase

An assortment of NSA coins I earned. From the left: Capabilities Directorate, ADET, Workforce Support, and my second Director's coin. The NAVY CIO offsite where I presented OPSEC and SNS. I recall they had someone there who was teaching about ID theft, but didn't even mention Security Freezes. Baffling. My graduation certificate from the Defense Civlian Emerging Leaders Program I attended in 2019. I met some really great people and learned a lot. One of two NSA Director's coins I was given for being proactive about asking questions in his Town Hall events. The second year, I think he recognized me and hesitated a little when he handed over the coin. Going to the Pentagon was definitely a once in a lifetime experience (though I was there a few times overall). I was glad to be a part of the Job Shadow Day event. A briefing for the FBI. Definitely a bucket-list item to speak to another of the big three :) This is my entry for the 2017 OPSEC Symposium where I briefed 'OPSEC is a Waste of Time' to rave reviews. This is a letter of appreciation for my 2017 OPSEC Symposium briefing - 'OPSEC is a Waste of Time'. It can't be said the NSA OPSEC office didn't have a sense of humor! I won a Faculty of the Quarter award, but when they told me to show up to a meeting without any details, I thought I was getting fired. The coolest goodbye gifts I've gotten from an office. A Torii gate-themed thank you plaque from DSRJ. My 10-year employee pin from the NSA. It took some time and effort to get given that they didn't manage the process well and I had to petition for them to get it and send it to me. A challenge coin that I got from the FBI. It's actually quite small - about the size of a 50-cent piece.
"This highly-informative presentation was filled with practical, relevant information, and Jeremy was energetic and very entertaining.... he should give lessons on how to get lots of points across to a broad audiences in a timely manner! outstanding session - one of the week's best!"
National OPSEC Conference

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